Business Advisory Services

Caroline Thevenot
Founder and CEO

Startups and SMEs are no strangers to the challenges associated with efficient bookkeeping and financial decision making, and without the right support, can easily fall subject to various accounting nightmares.


Seeking out a business advisor that understands the stage your business is in and what it needs to grow, would benefit a business of any size. Startups and SMEs are particularly vulnerable, whether due to their lack of capital or experience in the market and would benefit greatly from an experienced third-party advisor.

Benefits of Business Advisory Services

The right business advisor can contribute to the success of your business in the following areas:


  • Maximizing your potential opportunities.
  • Improve your business’ overall efficiency.
  • Providing guidance regarding risk management.
  • Providing valuable outsider/third-party perspectives.
  • Providing guidance from experienced advisors within your industry.
  • Emphasizing on your core business operations in order to optimize them.


See article for more.

What CTC Can Do for You

As your ‘à la carte’ Finance Manager, CTC Accounting will provide you with the most relevant and up-to-date advice for your business. The following is a list of services we provide to do so.

CTC Business Advisory Services:

  • Internal Audit
  • Business Strategy
  • Company Valuation
  • Corporate Recovery
  • Buying, Selling and Merging Businesses
  • Business and Profitability Improvement

For business advisory services or any other accounting or tax related inquiry, contact us here. We will turn your accounting nightmares into a walk in the park!